Congratulations to Snežana!
Congratulations to Snežana who featured for the Polymers Therapeutics lab at the recent CRS 2024 Annual Meeting & Expo in Bologna, where she won a prize for the best presentation from Scientific Committee!
More Congratulations to María Jesús!!!
Congratulations to Maria J. Vicent, the new Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors
Congratulations María Jesús!
The Controlled Release Society has announced the 2024 Award Recipients to honor those who have contributed to the CRS society and science.
Congratulations to Maria J Vicent for the SAMYANG AWARD in honor of SUNG WAN KIM undoubtedly a well-deserved recognition.
Congratulations to Camilla and Snežana!
Congratulations to our post-doc Snežana Đorđević (“Mass Spectrometry Imaging – Bridging Biology and Chemistry in the Design of Polymer-Drug Conjugates”) and our Ph.D. student Camilla Pegoraro (“Polypeptide-based Nanoconjugates for Targeted Subcellular Delivery”) who won best oral presentation and best poster presentation (respectively) at the recent XV Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery in Lisbon (Portugal)!!!!
Congratulations María Jesús!
Congratulations to Mª Jesús Vicent, who has been elected as a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors 2023 for her “highly prolific spirit of innovation in facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on the quality of life, economic development, and welfare of society.”
The new class is comprised of 162 prolific academic innovators from over 115 research universities and research institutes worldwide.
View the Fellows Class of 2023:
Congratulations Snežana!
Congratulations on winning the best oral presentation award at the second Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas-SEEM meeting in Madrid!
Congratulations Snežana!
New doctor in the house! Congratulations to Dr. Snežana Đorđević for her excelent PhD presentation & defense!!
Congratulations Toni!
Congratulations to our PhD student Toni for the Best Poster Prize at the 2nd International NanoTME Conference
Announcing Maria Jesus Vicent as the New Secretary of the Board of CRS Directors
Avi Schroeder (President-elect), Maria Vicent (Secretary), Paolo Caliceti (Treasurer-Elect), Yoon Yeo(Director-at-Large), Ryan Donnelly (Director-at-Large).
Conoce los galardonados por la Diputación de cara al Día de la Provincia
El equipo de gobierno de la Diputación de Castellón que preside José Martí ha propuesto conceder la Alta Distinción de la institución con motivo de la celebración del día de la provincia de 2023 a Federico García Moliner, investigador de reconocido prestigio que en 1992 recibió el Premio Príncipe de Asturias. Además, se concederá el Mérito Deportivo a título póstumo a José Manuel Llaneza Carceller; el Mérito de las Artes al ‘Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Vicente Aguilera Cerni’ de Vilafamés; el Mérito Solidario a Cáritas diocesana de Segorbe-Castellón y el Mérito Innovador: María Jesús Vicent Docón.
Congratulations María Jesús!
The new Board of Directors of the Spanish Drug Discovery Network Association was announced during the XIV Annual Meeting in Granada.
Congratulations Amina!
Our new Ph.D. student Amina Benaicha received the Best Poster Presentation Award from INCLIVA at the recent Congreso Nacional de Jóvenes Investigadores en Biomedicina at the Universidad Católica de Valencia. Well done!!!
Congratulations Camilla!
The Young Scientist Committee of the SPLC-CRS for 2022-2024 has now been selected by the Board. Meet the new committee here –
Congratulations Amina!
Our new Ph.D student Amina Benaicha, pictured here at the #YoInvestigoContraElCáncer event at the CaixaForum Valencia, has received a predoctoral fellowship from the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer Valencia to carry out her studies! Well done!
Galardonados de la XIX edición Premios Radio Castellón
Congratulations to María J. Vicent – read all about the prizes here!
Congratulations Snežana!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Snežana on winning Best flash presentation award for her talk “Mass Spectrometry Imaging as an Emerging Tool for Rational Design of Polypeptide-Drug Combination Conjugates” at the XXXVIII Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) in Granada (Spain).
Congratulations Inma!
Congratulations to our post-doc Inma on winning the Best Oral Presentation Award (from Advanced Materials) for her talk “Treating Neurodegeneration with A Polypeptide-Based Combination Approach Tackling Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Pathways” at the 13th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics: from Laboratory to Clinical Practice, Valencia (Spain).
Congratulations Paz!
Well done to our Ph.D. student Paz, who recently won the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 8th Galenus International Workshop Valencia “The shape of things to come – Drug delivery systems from head to toe” with her talk titled “Optimization of faithful breast cancer models as platforms for the advanced preclinical evaluation of polymer therapeutics”
Congratulations Camilla!
The scientific committee of the World Mitochondria Society announced our Ph.D. student Camilla as one of the winners of the Best Poster Presentation Award of Targeting Mitochondria 2021 for her poster on “Using Polypeptide-Based Nanoconjugates as Mitochondrially-Targeted Drug Delivery Platforms”.
Congratulations María!
The 2021-2022 CRS Board Election results are in! Please join us in congratulating Maria J. Vicent, Ph.D., as Director-At-Large of the CRS Board of Directors! 👏
Congratulations Fernanda!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Fernanda Rodriguez-Otormin for being selected as a Poster Winner at the #ECBS2021!!! Great work on Rationally design polypeptide based-combination conjugates for metastatic TNBC! @EuOpenscreen
Dolors Corella, Marta Benet y Mª Jesús Vicent, premios Concepción Aleixandre a la Mujer Científica Valenciana
La investigadora Mª Jesús Vicent Docón, investigadora en polímeros terapéuticos ha sido premiada en la categoría de Comunitat Valenciana; Marta Benet, investigadora en biomarcadores moleculares en medicina de precisión, ha obtenido el galardón en la categoría Local por su trayectoria; y Dolors Corella, investigadora en nutrición especializada y catedrática de la Universitat, recibe el premio Especial Honorífico. El Ayuntamiento de Picanya entregará este viernes día 28 los galardones, coincidiendo con el Día Internacional de Acción por la Salud de las Mujeres. Esta tercera edición de los galardones se ha enfocado a las Ciencias de la Vida aplicadas a la Salud.
Read more here!
Congratulations to our Dr. María Jesus Vicente who has just been awarded the Concepcion Aleixandre prize which recognizes the contributions of women to science
Our Recent Article made the Front Cover of The Journal of Controlled Release!
See the full paper “Polyglutamic acid-based crosslinked doxorubicin nanogels as an anti-metastatic treatment for triple negative breast cancer” here!
Gracis Otra Vez!!!!
Un grupo de jubilados recauda 5.000 euros para la investigación en la lucha contra el alzhéimer
La asociación de la Pobla Llarga lleva cinco años aportando donaciones para el proyecto del Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe que ahora ha probado con éxito sus hallazgos en animales El colectivo consigue fondos con la venta de lotería y eventos culturales en el municipio.
Por su parte, la científica María Jesús Vicent, líder del grupo de investigación, aplaude la donación: «Gracias a ellos se han podido llegar a las primeras conclusiones de un proyecto de ocho años que continúa en marcha».
Read more in Levante!
Congratulations to María Jesus Vicent as a 2021 New College of Fellows Member for the CRS
Congratulations Paz! You are off to Vegas for the CRS2020 Meeting!
Congratulations to our Ph.D student Pax Boix Montesinos, who recently won the 2020 Three Minute Video Competition from the Nanomedicine and Nanoscale Delivery focus group to go to the Controlled Release Society conference in Las Vegas!!!!!! To see the winning video in all its glory, which describes one essential part of our ERC project “MyNano” head over to YouTubenow!
María Jesús Vicent lidera una investigación en biomedicina y salud de excelencia científica seleccionadas por la Fundación “la Caixa”
Read more about this new grant at,,, and
Congratulations Ana!
Congratulations to Ana, our senior Post-Doc who recently won the best oral presentation award at the 2019 Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting in Valencia, Spain!
Congratulations Tetiana!
Congratulations to Tetiana, our PhD student who recently won first prize for her oral presentation at the VI Meeting of PhD Students at the Universitat Politècnica de València. The winning presentation was titled “BRAIN DRUG DELIVERY USING POLYMER THERAPEUTICS AS INTRANASAL PLATFORM TOWARDS PEDIATRIC GLIOBLASTOMA”.
New ASEICA Grant to Investigate Prostate Cancer Treatment
Great news from the recent Asociación Española de Investigación sobre el Cáncer (ASEICA) conference where the Polymer Therapeutics Lab was awarded with a grant for the project – “Identification of Novel Biomarkers and Development of Polymer-based combination Conjugates in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer”.
Juan José Arroyo ha defendido hoy, en el salón de actos del Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe – CIPF, su Tesis Doctoral: Polymer-based combination conjugates for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer: from rational design to preclinical evaluation, dirigida por la Dra. María Jesus Vicent y por la Dra. Ana Armiñán.
Congratulations from the Editors of Macromolecular Bioscience
Our recent article “Polypeptide-Based Conjugates as Therapeutics: Opportunities and Challenges” was one of the journal’s top 20 most downloaded recent papers! Amongst articles published between July 2016 and June 2018, our article received some of the highest downloads in the 12-months post online publication Our article generated immediate impact and helped to raise the visibility of Macromolecular Bioscience.
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Irene Dolz Pérez for achieving a Grant from the Generalitat Valenciana to travel to Germany for a research stay in Marcelo Calderon’s lab at the Free University of Berlin!
Congratulations to Aroa Duro-Castaño for winning the Prize for the best Thesis at the XII Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery 2018 in Coimbra Portugal.
Congratulations to Fernanda Rodriguez Otormin for winning the Best Flash Presentation Award at the 4th Chemical Biology RSEQ Group Meeting (4GEQB)/16th Iberian Peptide Meeting (16EPI) Delivery. Well done!
Felicitamos a la Dra. Amaya Niño Pariente, sobresaliente-cum laude en la Defensa de su Tesis Doctoral dirigida por la Dra. M.J. Vicent.
11th ISPT Best Oral Poster Presentation – 2nd Prize – Amaya Niño-Pariente
SLAS Young Scientist Poster Award for Best Poster at the 7th Meeting of the Spanish Drug Discovery Network to Esther Masiá on November 2015 and Presentation of Poster at SLAS 2016 (San Diego California)
Best Short Talk Award 10th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics 2014 to Aroa Duro Castaño
2º Prize to the Best PhD. Thesis of 2013, from the Spanish-Portuguese Local Chapter of the Controlled Release Society to Inmaculada Conejos Sánchez.
XII Premis Poble. POB12 de Villareal
IV Edición premio Idea Ciencias Básicas, 2008, from ‘Fundación de las Artes y las Ciencias’ for the pioneering concept of Combination Therapy.