European Researchers’ Night celebrating science across Europe in 2024 and 2025
Check out some of the action from this year's European Researchers’ Night at the CIPF!
Congratulations Paz!
Yet another new doctor in the house! Congratulations to Dr. Paz Boix-Montesinos for her PhD presentation and defense!!
Our official photo from CRS2024 in Bologna! Enjoying five days with our scientific worldwide community and family

Congrats Election Winners!
The Controlled Release Society Nominations Committee is pleased to announce the results for the 2024-2025 Board of Directors election. Please join us in welcoming these exceptional leaders to the CRS Board of Directors.
Congratulations Inés!
Another new doctor in the house! A huge congratulations to Dr. Inés Domingo-Ortí for her PhD presentation and defense!!
Congratulations Tetiana!
Yet another new doctor in the house! Congratulations to Dr. Tetiana Melnyk for her PhD presentation & defense!!
Merry Christmas to all from the Polymer Therapeutics Lab Christmas Nigh Out!
We were lucky to meet Nobel Prize winner Prof. Joachim Frank today at the CIPF!

Congratulations Snežana!
New doctor in the house! Congratulations to Dr. Snežana Đorđević for her excelent PhD presentation & defense!!
Thanks to Snežana for Speaking at Pint of Science 2023!
Snežana Đorđević presented her talk "Who wants to be an analytical chem ist ("Quién quiere ser química/o analítica/o?") at the CIM Benimaclet in Valencia!
Announcing Maria Jesus Vicent as the New Secretary on the Board of CRS Directors
Avi Schroeder (President-elect), Maria Vicent (Secretary), Paolo Caliceti (Treasurer-Elect), Yoon Yeo(Director-at-Large), Ryan Donnelly (Director-at-Large).
Announcing Maria Jesus Vicent as the new Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews!
The Polymer Therapeutics Laboratory at the CIPF now belongs to CIBERONC
Head to YouTube to see a full length video ( and shortened video ( about CIBER!
VI RSEQ Chemical Biology Group Meeting - ChemBioVI- Valencia - 6-8/13/2023
We cordially invite you to join us at the VI RSEQ Chemical Biology Group Meeting - ChemBioVI (
The VI ChemBio meeting (CIPF, Valencia March 6th to 8th 2023) will bring together world-renowned scientists to share their recent research and vision for the future, to discuss the latest advances on bio-mechanisms/structure-activity relationships, new products, and advances in our understanding of the factors that promote translation from basic science to clinic use.
Early registration deadline
9th December 2022
Abstracts submission deadline:
ORAL - 9th December 2022 POSTER - 28th January 2023
Check Out Our Stalls a "La Noche de la Investigación" in the City of Arts and Sciences!!!
Polymer Therapeutics Day Out 2022!
After missing out on two years of all coming together, the good people from the Polymer Therapeutics laboratory got together this week for some outdoor team building fun, a good paella, and a few cold beers!
Thanks to All the Attendees at the 13th ISPT Here in Valencia!

Check out this video and these pictures for a summary of the 13th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics: From Laboratory to Clinical Practice.
Thanks for making this possible!
Congratulations to Fernanda for Successfully Defending her Ph.D. Thesis
Fernanda Rodríguez Ortomin recently defended her thesis titled "Design of novel targeted polymer therapeutics as combination therapy for the treatment of brain metastasis" (Mark - Oustanding) co-directed by MJ. Vicent y A. Duro. Congratulations Dr. Fer P.hD!!!!
Enhorabuena Snex!!
Orgullosos de nuestra estudiante de doctorado Snežana Đorđević, seleccionada por Somos Científicos y Científicas y la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología para contagiar su entusiasmo por la química analítica a estudiantes de toda España!
13th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics: from Laboratory to Clinical Practice
13th International Symposium on Polymer Therapeutics:from Laboratory to Clinical Practiceto be held in 📍 Valencia 23rd - 25th May 2022
🧬A chance for world-renowned scientists from Academia and Industry to share their recent research and vision for the future of #Polymer Therapeutics 💊 to attendees in the context of interdisciplinary research at the interface of #biology, #chemistry, #pharmaceutical #sciences and #medicine
Abstract submission open Open Until 25th February
Early Bird Registration Until 20th March
Discover more at
El Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe y la UJI crean una unidad mixta de investigación en terapias avanzadas en oncología
Valencia 26/01/2022.- La Fundación Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (FCIPF) y la Universitat Jaume I han firmado un convenio para la creación de una unidad mixta de investigación en terapias avanzadas en oncología, que contará como investigadores principales con José Antonio Llueca (UJI) y Maria Jesús Vicent (FCIPF) y a la que se vincularán el Laboratorio de Cirugía Oncológica de la UJI y el Laboratorio de Polímeros Terapéuticos de la FCIPF.
See more at
Gracias Otra Vez!!!!
Un grupo de jubilados recauda 5.000 euros para la investigación en la lucha contra el alzhéimer
La asociación de la Pobla Llarga lleva cinco años aportando donaciones para el proyecto del Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe que ahora ha probado con éxito sus hallazgos en animales El colectivo consigue fondos con la venta de lotería y eventos culturales en el municipio.
Por su parte, la científica María Jesús Vicent, líder del grupo de investigación, aplaude la donación: «Gracias a ellos se han podido llegar a las primeras conclusiones de un proyecto de ocho años que continúa en marcha».
Read more in Levante!
European Researchers Night 2020 - Online at the CIPF!
Check out what the polymer therapeutic laboratory got up to for this year´s European Researchers Night on our Twitter feed and the CIPF Facebook and Instagram pages!
Congratulations to Sonia for Successfully Defending her Ph.D. Thesis
Many congratulations to Sonia Vicente-Ruiz for successfully defending her thesis titled "Development of Polymer-based Therapeutics for the Treatment of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer".
Congratulations to Alex, the Newest Ph.D. in the Lab!
Many congratulations to our former student Oleksandr Zagorodko (or Alex!) for successfully defending his thesis titled "Conformationally Switchable Polyglutamates as a Prospective Material For Polymer Therapeutics Design" as part of our ERC-funded MyNano project! All the best in the future Alex!
Congratulations Paz! You are off to Vegas for the CRS2020 Meeting!
Congratulations to our Ph.D student Pax Boix Montesinos, who recently won the 2020 Three Minute Video Competition from the Nanomedicine and Nanoscale Delivery focus group to go to the Controlled Release Society conference in Las Vegas!!!!!! To see the winning video in all its glory, which describes one essential part of our ERC project "MyNano" head over to YouTube now!
Thanks to Everyone Who Made the European Researchers Night a Great Success
Os esperamos este viernes 27 de septiembre de 17 a 20:30h en el Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe!!!
¿Acercarte a los laboratorios e instalaciones del Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe - CIPF
¿Quieres saber de primera mano qué investigamos?
Te esperamos el próximo 27 de septiembre desde las 17h tienes una cita con la #ciencia
¡Ven y participa en la Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras 2019! Talleres dirigidos a toda la familia.
For more information, download the PDF here, and to see what the Polymer Therapeutics Laboratory has in store, see this cool new video!
Congrats to our PhD student Fernanda who received a CIPF grant for a research stay in the UK
Our PhD student, Fernanda Rodriguez, received a grant from the CIPF to continue her PhD studies on the design of novel polymer therapeutics as combination therapy for the treatment of brain metastasis (carried out thanks to a predoctoral grant from the AECC Valencia) at the laboratory of Professor Giuseppe Battaglia at UCL, London!
Paz and Paula Tell All about their Research in the Polymer Therapeutics Lab in the Pint of Science 2019!
Paula and Paz recently gave their talks under the headline "CÁNCER: A GRANDES PROBLEMAS, NANOSOLUCIONES" at Cafe Mercedes Jazz in Russafa Valencia as part of the Pint of Science 2019 festival. They discussed our work, including our MyNano project, towards creating new and imporved means to treat cancer.
To read more see Pint of Science or Levante for more on this amazing event!
Congrats to our Maria Jesus Vicent for her Induction into the AIMBE!
The American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) has announced the induction of Maria J. Vicent, Ph.D., Head of Polymer Therapeutics Laboratory and Coordinator of the Advance Therapies Area, Prince Felipe Research Center to its College of Fellows.
Dr. Vicent was nominated, reviewed, and elected by peers and members of the College of Fellows for “outstanding achievements towards Advanced Polymer Therapeutics starting from a rational design always with a translational approach.”
A formal induction ceremony was held during the AIMBE Annual Meeting at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC on March 25, 2019. Dr. Vicent was inducted along with 156 colleagues who make up the AIMBE College of Fellows Class of 2019.
Congrats to our PhD student Fernanda Rodríguez for her work on drug delivery!
Our PhD student, Fernanda Rodriguez, presented her work during the scientific meeting organized by the Royal Academia of Medicine and Related Sciences (Real Academia de Medicina y Ciencias Afines – RAMCV) and AECC Valencia. Her work regarding the design of novel polymer therapeutics as combination therapy for the treatment of brain metastasis is carried out thanks to a predoctoral grant from the AECC Valencia.
Join us at the 2019 Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting & Exposition, July 21st-24th, in Valencia, Spain!!!!!
Join María Jesus Vicent and the rest of the Polymer Therapeutics Lab. at the 46th Controlled Release Society Annual Meeting & Exposition! Held in the Palacio de Congresos de València from July 21st-24th. For more information, head to the conference website and get your abstract in by the 7th of February!!!!
Muchas Gracias otra vez a La Asociación de Jubilados y Pensionistas de la Pobla Llarga
Por cuarto año consecutivo la Pobla Llarga apoya la #investigación en #Alzhéimer realizada en el Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe - CIPF
Todo nuestro agradecimiento a la Asociación de Jubilados y Pensionistas de la Pobla Llarga, a su presidenta Lola Sancho, y al Ayuntamiento Ajuntament la Pobla Llarga, por la ayuda y confianza #LaCienciaEsFuturo.
Juan José Arroyo ha defendido hoy, en el salón de actos del Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe - CIPF, su Tesis Doctoral: Polymer-based combination conjugates for the treatment of triple negative breast cancer: from rational design to preclinical evaluation, dirigida por la Dra. María Jesus Vicent y por la Dra. Ana Armiñán.
Postdoctoral Position Available at the Polymer Therapeutics Laboratory!!!
We are looking for a polymer chemist ideally with experience on NCA ROP in order to develop novel Polypeptide based carriers of different nature and topicity. These materials will be used as carriers for biomacromolecules including Adeno Viral vectors (AVV), therefore experience in conjugation chemistry will be a valuable merit. Targeted drug delivery to specific sites (including Kidney, tumor microenvironment and/or selected cancer cell types) is the final goal for the rationally designed nanocarriers.
See here for more details!!!!!
Approval as Official EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC Partner Site
The Polymer Therapeutics Laboratory at the CIPF was recently successfully evaluated and approved on 12th April as an official partner site of EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC. Our institution was selected based on your scientific quality and excellence, our technological capabilities and resources, and long-term vision and sustainability by a panel of international renowned reviewers. The decision of the EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC assembly of members, comprising representatives from EU-OPENSCREEN member and observer country ministries, now allows us to become part of the European research infrastructure consortium in chemical biology which is currently supported by eight countries, namely Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Spain and the host country Germany.
Noche Europea de los Investigadores 28 de septiembre 2018
Os esperamos el 28 de septiembre en el Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe - CIPF para celebrar la Noche Europea de los Investigadores e Investigadoras.
Let's share our passion for science! ACTIVIDADES GRATUITAS Y DE LIBRE ACCESO
Información: aquí y al mail #LaCienciaEsFuturo #ValenciaEsCiencia
See Inma from our group in this associated video!
Read all about the hugely successful night here!
Thanks to the AECC Valencia and the RunCancer campaign
Our PhD student, Fernanda Rodríguez Otormín recently gave a presentation at a benefit dinner for the Association for Cancer Research (AECC) from Sollana. Many thanks to all the people involved in the AECC Valencia and the RunCancer campaign who have raised funds to make Fernanda's project a reality. For more information see the Facebook page of Aecc Sollana.
Muchas Gracias otra vez a La Asociación de Jubilados y Pensionistas de la Pobla Llarga
Estuvimos en la Ajuntament la Pobla Llarga donde la Dra. María Jesús Vicent, del Laboratorio de Polímeros Terapéuticos del Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe - CIPF expuso la investigación que lleva a cabo su laboratorio dentro de la semana cultural que organiza se organiza en el municipio.
La Asociación de Jubilados y Pensionistas de la Pobla Llarga colabora desde hace años económicamente con este grupo de investigación.
Queremos dar las gracias a la Alcaldesa, Neus Garrigues, a todo el consistorio y a los miembros de la Asociación, en especial a Lola, su presidenta, por hacer más visible nuestro trabajo y por apoyarnos. Como siempre un placer, familia!!!
Congratulations to Irene!
Congratulations to our Ph.D. student Irene Dolz Pérez for achieving a Grant from the Generalitat Valenciana to travel to Germany for a research stay in Marcelo Calderon’s lab at the Free University of Berlin!
Congratulations to Tetiana Melnyk on receiving a Grant from the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer de Valencia (AECC Valencia)
Tetiana Melnyk, winner of one of the grants from the AECC Valencia, will study for her PhD in the Polymer Therapeutics Lab and will search for an effective means to treat pediatric brain tumors. Her work will be based in the design and evaluation of nanopharmaceutics for the treatment of pediatric gliomas via intranasal administration. Congratulations! For more see all the details at CIPF, Levante, Europa Press, or El periódico de aquí.
Nueva Donación de La Pobla Llarga para la Investigación del Alzheimer
Es el tercer año que la Asociación de Jubilados y Pensionistas de la Pobla Llarga realiza este donativo al CIPF. Este año se ha sumado el Ajuntament de la Pobla Llarga con otro donativo. (Read more here!)
Felicitamos a la Dra. Amaya Niño Pariente
Felicitamos a la Dra. Amaya Niño Pariente sobresaliente-cum laude en la Defensa de su Tesis Doctoral "Well-defined polypeptide-based systems as non-viral vectors for cytosolic delivery", dirigida por la Dra. M.J. Vicent.
Congratulations to María Jesus Vicent!
Las 75 mujeres emprendedoras más prometedoras del 2017
Muchas felicidades a todas! Y muy especialmente a nuestra Dra. María Jesús Vicent
Congratulations Alex and Irene!
Congratulations to Alex and Irene for receiving a Grant from the Grupo Especializado de Nanociencia y Materialies Moleculares (GE NANOMATMOL) to be able to attend the XXXVI Reunión bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ) in Sitges (25‐29 June 2017)
New Research Article Featured in Macromolecular Bioscience
See our review featured on the back cover of a Special Issue of Macromolecular Bioscience Dedicated to Kazunori Kataoka.
Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia
Nos unimos a la celebración del Día Internacional de la Mujer y la Niña en la Ciencia proclamado por la UNESCO. Felicidades a todas las científicas por su trabajo.
Congratulations Fernanda!
Fernanda Rodríguez (far right) from the Polymer Therapeutics lab at the CIPF has received a grant of three years from the Asociación Española contra el Cáncer de Valencia (AECC Valencia) for her Project the "Design of novel targeted Polymer Therapeutics as combination therapy for the treatment of Brain Metastasis'. This project concerns the construction of a new therapy based on polymer therapeutics (nanomedicine) for the treatment of brain metastasis from triple negative breast cancers. She received her award from the President of the AECC Valencia at the Gala Presentation “Run Cancer-AECC Valencia 2017”. Congratulations! Read more about it here!
La Asociación de Jubilados y Pensionistas de la Pobla Llarga realiza una donativo al CIPF para la investigación del Alzhéimer
La Asociación de Jubilados y Pensionistas de la Pobla Llarga ha realizado por segundo año consecutivo una aportación económica al Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe para la investigación del Alzheimer. [Enlace]